Friday, May 10, 2024

VOTD 5/10/2024

 Billy Graham: The Man in the 5th Dimension (RCA/Camden)

Purchased at the dollar sale at Jerry's Records

Now that I have your attention...

Once in a while I post a link to my blog to my Facebook page, and my readership septuples. (35 vs 5 on average.) Huge numbers! Yuge!

Whatever. But it does remind me to not write anything too stupid or worse, libelous. 

Being something of a record collector, I enjoy my vinyl oddities. I know Record Collectors, capital letters intended. Some weird things I will spend money on, some I refuse to spend more than $1.

I'll confess...I spent $50 on this LP, an old WRCT favorite stolen decades ago:

I know I should digitize this wonderfully evil slab of vinyl. One track was so scandalous, the track was physically scratched out. (I think it was the first track, side two.) The WRCT copy was likewise done so. 

As I was leaving the recent Jerry's dollar sale (Sunday, so everything was 2/$1) I saw this toxic piece of landfill, and decided to rescue it. 

Billy Graham put a friendly face on the rising trend of Christian Nationalism. Jerry Falwell, that repulsive parasite, pushed it into the Reagan administration. But I don't think he'd have gone as far as he did without Billy's simple, "aw shucks I'm just a servant of God" preaching. 

You can hear how he's a clear and concise orator on this album, with dramatic studio orchestra  punchups by Ralph Carmichael. 

I didn't think much of Billy Graham growing up. He'd appear on TV once in a while and I wouldn't pay much attention. My parents didn't like him. I not only know why now, but think they were rather prescient: he was the gateway drug to what we're suffering through now, fundamentalist Christian Nationalists who overlook Trump's obvious moral and ethical failings because they believe he will give them the representatives and judges they want.

Would Billy Graham be rolling in his grave? That would suggest an afterlife. He's worm food now. Let him rot. 

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