Saturday, July 29, 2023

Recent dream

 Noting this so I don't forget it myself.

This hot and muggy weather really messes with me. I don't sleep well, and sometimes I go into my basement and sleep in my daughter's former bedroom/my studio. 

Night before last I woke at 3am with an intense itching in my left ear canal, a very rare occurrence. I was in the midst of almost a fever dream, pieces of which I recall.

For some reason, I was explaining to Adam MacGregor the meaning of The Residents' song "Loser=Weed". Now the truth is, I don't know the meaning of the song apart from the obvious. But for some reason, I was pontificating on how it was about about a person who could raise his temperature up to dangerously high levels, almost like the Human Torch or Firestarter. 

This was happening on some sort of compound, a large one-story structure. I don't remember the nature of this building.

Also for some reason in the dream, I had to pick out a kitten. 

Put that in your smoke and pipe it, Dr. Freudenstein!

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